Advanced Features
Press and hold for one seco n d Lock Bu t to n .
i con flashes. If the Beep Fu n ction is ON yo u
will hear an audible co n f i rm at i o n .Most butto n s
a r e loc ke d .
To“unlock”press and release button again.
If the Beep Fu n ction is ON you will hear an audi-
ble co n f i rm at i o n .Most buttons are loc ke d.
Buttons are“unlocked”and icon disappears.
Advanced Features
Call Button,Range Extender
Button and Talk Button
do not lock and are fully
operational while the unit
is locked.
The unit cannot lock while in
Function Mode.
Lock Function
The purpose of the LOCK function is to lock most
buttons to avoid accidental operation.
To engage the LOCK function:
Lock Function
Dual Watch Function
Dual Watch allows you to simultaneously monito r
a n y two pre s e l e cted Family Radio Se rv i ce channels.
Select first channel and CTCSS code which
you desire to Dual Watch. (please see
pages 6 and 7).
Dual Watch
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