Introducing The
LCD Speakerphone
1.1 Using This Guide
Chapter One provides you with a general overview of your new
speakerphone and its functions. The other ten chapters in this guide are
clear and easy to follow.
The Chapters are numbered as follows:
Chapter Two: Programming The Attendant Features
Chapter Three: Answering Calls
Chapter Four: Making Calls
Chapter Five: Holding Calls
Chapter Six: Transferring Calls
Chapter Seven: Conferencing Calls
Chapter Eight: Using The Other Telephone Features
Chapter Nine: Using Non-Verbal Messaging
Chapter Ten: Programming Your Telephone
Chapter Eleven: Troubleshooting Your Telephone
For your convenience, a quick reference guide, a glossary, and an
alphabetical index are included in the back of this user’s guide.
NOTE: Throughout this book, all references to fixed buttons are
printed in upper case bold type, for example “Press the
INTERCOM button.”
All references to interactive buttons are printed in upper case
bold italic type, for example “Press the OPTIONS button.”
GCA70–245 Introducing The LCD Speakerphone
LCD Speakerphone Reference Manual 1–1