8.22 Understanding The DATA Button Light
The optional Data Interface Unit (DIU) provides connections for your
standard multiline digital telephone and an Industry Standard
Telephone (IST) device. The DIU enables you to switch between your
multiline telephone and an IST device (an industry standard telephone,
FAX machine, modem, cordless telephone, or answering machine).
When you have DIU (either local or remote) assigned to your multiline
telephone, your telephone will have a preprogrammed DATA button
labeled DATA by the system installer. The DATA LED will provide you
with the following visual feedback on the operating status of the DIU.
Off Digital mode (multiline telephone selected)
On (green) IST device selected but not active
On (red) IST device busy
Flashing (red) IST device ringing
If the DIU has been removed or is inoperable, the DATA LED will be
off. If this occurs, plug the multiline telephone into a digital station port.
• To select the multiline telephone (DATA LED on or flashing),
1. Press the preprogrammed DATA button. If a call is in progress on
the IST device, it will transfer to the multiline telephone if the
multiline telephone is off hook or in speakerphone operation. If the
multiline telephone is on hook, the call will be dropped.
• To select the IST device (DATA LED off),
1. Press the preprogrammed DATA button. If a call is in progress on
the multiline telephone, it will transfer to the IST device if that
device is off hook. If the IST device is on hook, the call will be
dropped. You can still receive visual messages via the LEDs and
LCD on your multiline telephone, even though the voice path is
routed to the IST device.
NOTE: If you transfer a line to your own multiline telephone then
press the DATA button, the IST device will ring.
Using The Other Telephone Features GCA70–245
8–22 LCD Speakerphone Reference Manual