procedures and materials required to construct a masonry chimney. Masonry chimney
construction also requires a qualified and knowledgeable chimney mason that understands
masonry construction, local codes, and local site conditions. A masonry chimney must be
positioned and sealed correctly to ensure an effective flue draft occurs once fireplace operation
begins. All new residential fireplace masonry chimney construction, including the clay flue liner,
must comply with Standard Specification for Clay Flue Linings, ASTMC315. Clay flue liners are
required to be installed with an air space between the chimney wall and the clay liner to allow free
movement of air. Each clay flue tile must be properly sealed at the initial base joint and at each
joint where additional clay flue tile meet in order to prevent the escape of heat, flame, and flue
gasses into the surrounding exterior brick or home walls.
In general masonry chimneys can include any number of passageways. Each of these passageways
requires their own clay liner system. Two passageways that are enclosed in a single chimney must
be separated by an air space between the flue liners. If more than two passageways are to be
installed in a single chimney, each clay flue liner passageway must be separated by at least 4 inches
of masonry.
The first step to ensuring a Smart Fireplace Furnace will draw adequately, is to size and
construct a chimney flue correctly. The International Residential Code indicates that the
chimney height as well as the fireplace opening area determines the flue size. Country
Flame has installed the proper flue lip during factory construction of the Smart Fireplace
Furnace. TABLE 1 provided general product specifications that included information to be used in
constructing a proper chimney flue. In addition, unless local code or qualified installers encounter
site specific conditions that require different parameters, it is recommended to follow Country
Flame specifications. TABLE 4 provides additional information for the selection of angle iron to
be used to set a masonry chimney and clay flue tile. DO NOT set the clay tile or chimney material
on the top of the Smart Fireplace as the angle iron must support the weight of the clay flue tile and
the chimney brick. Please follow TABLE 4 recommendations to select proper material sizes to
avoid future problems.
Model No. Angle Iron
Duct Size Flue Size Height Depth
Model 33
2 pcs. 50”
2 pcs. 20”
Angle Spec.
13” x 13” 48” 26”
Model 37
2 pcs. 56”
2 pcs. 20”
Angle Spec.
8” 13” x 13” 48” 26”
Model 42
2 pcs. 60”
2 pcs. 20”
Angle Spec.
8” 13” x 17” 48” 26”
Version 7.1