
Step 4 On top of both the newspaper and the lighter wood, place two well seasoned, small-
sized logs; one at the front, one directly behind it, and another small one in the middle top of the
other two. A small log on the top avoids smothering the fire.
Step 5 After the fire starts to burn, leave damper open and close fireplace doors (optional), if
installed. If equipped with Fireplace Doors (optional) open the door’s draft control and bring the
fire to desired burn with these controls.
Step 6 Allow the fireplace to warm thoroughly and all logs to begin burning well before either
adding additional wood or closing your draft controls. This will normally require fifteen minutes
or longer.
Step 7 Adjust your wall thermostat to the desired setting. The blowers are equipped with speed
controls to adjust airflow through the unit. These speed controls do not have an off position and
can only minimize or maximize airflow by turning the speed control knob located on the front
blower grille. As the fire heats up the fireplace furnace, the air discharge snap disc will close and
the blowers will turn on unless the thermostat is not calling for heat. Once the fireplace furnace
cools down, the thermostat or the air discharge snap disc will automatically shut the blowers off.
Do not use speed controls with an “off position” as this may cause the fireplace furnace system
to overheat.
Step 8 Adjust the variable speed fans to the desired speed setting by rotating the individual
knobs located in the middle of the blower box grilles.
The internal air discharge thermostat (snap disc) is located on the inside right of the hot air discharge
grille on the front of the Smart Fireplace Furnace. This snap disc activates the fireplace blowers once the
air temperature in the discharge grille rises past 110º F. This same air discharge snap disc will
automatically turn off the blower systems when the discharge temperature drops below about 90º F. This
snap disc, along with a wall thermostat works controls the temperature of when the blower system
operates. The combination of the air discharge snap disc and the wall thermostat ensures that a specific
fireplace will not blow cold air or overheat the room by continuing to blow hot air when a specific room
temperature has been reached.
Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should
be placed on a noncombustible floor or on the ground, well away from any and all combustible materials,
pending final disposal of the cool ashes. All ashes should be retained in the closed container until all
cinders have thoroughly cooled. Ashes may also be removed through the ash dump opening.
Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar liquids to start
or “freshen-up” a fire in the Country Flame fireplace furnace. Keep all such liquids or any other
combustible fluids well away from the fireplace furnace while it is in use.
Version 7.1
When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors, which combine with expelled
moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool chimney flue or a slow-
burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accumulates on the flue lining. When ignited, this creosote