CPG #2561255 FIRELARM 2500 Operating Manual
With the exception of the loss of the AC-ON LED and transfer of the
auxiliary trouble relay contacts, none of the trouble indicators will
operate on loss of AC unless an adequately charged battery is
connected to the proper terminals.
2.5.8 Auxiliary power output conditions
Loss of output of the auxiliary power will result in the following:
Operation of the auxiliary power LED.
Operation of all system trouble indications (see section 2.5.11 System trouble).
AUXILIARY POWER TROUBLE will be displayed on the optional LCD.
2.5.9 Battery power conditions
The battery circuit is power limited and reverse polarity protection is provided. Loss of or reduction of
battery voltage to 23 volts or increase to 29 volts or more will result in the following:
Operation of the battery trouble LED.
Operation of all system trouble indicators (see section 2.5.11 System trouble)
If batteries are disconnected, the system trouble and battery LEDs will light and the
buzzer will sound after 30 seconds.
BATTERY TROUBLE will be displayed on the optional LCD.
There is a time delay of approximately 1 minute for battery trouble to restore.
2.5.10 AC power conditions
Loss or Reduction of AC:
A reduction in the AC input voltage would result in the following:
Green AC LED will be extinguished.
Operation of all system trouble indications (see section 2.5.11 System trouble).
AC TROUBLE will be displayed on the optional LCD.
2.5.11 System trouble
All the previously listed trouble conditions will, in addition to the specific indication previously shown,
result in the following common trouble indications:
Operation of the system trouble LED.
Operation of the buzzer for trouble (slow beep - 1 pulse every two seconds).
Transfer of the auxiliary trouble contacts.
Opens the circuits of the remote alarm and supervisory outputs.
A description of the trouble will be displayed on the LCD.
This panel incorporates a trouble reminder feature. If a trouble is silenced
and the cause of the trouble is not rectified, the trouble buzzer will resound
12 hours after the panel is silenced.
Pressing , or any touchpad, also results in the
operation of the system trouble indications listed above.
2.5.12 Supervisory initiating device circuit
Supervisory Condition:
An increase of current to approximately 5mA or greater on the supervisory initiating device circuit will
result in the following:
Operation of the supervisory LED.
Reverse the voltage polarity of the remote supervisory output (RS).
Operation of the buzzer for supervisory (fast beep - 1 pulse per second).
Operation of all system trouble indications except buzzer pattern (see section 2.5.11
System trouble)
SUPERVISORY CONDITION is displayed on the optional LCD.