CPG #2561255 FIRELARM 2500 Operating Manual
1.3 Specifications
1.3.1 Electrical specifications
Primary (AC) power:
Accessory (battery) voltage
120VAC, 60 Hz, 1.5A max
24VDC; (charging current, 1.0A)
Control Unit Requirements:
Standby current
Alarm current
110mA, 24VDC (not including auxiliary devices and
modules)200mA, 24VDC (not including auxiliary devices
and modules)
Output Ratings:
System alarm contacts
System trouble contacts
4-wire smoke detector power
Auxiliary power
Max ripple voltage
SPDT, 2A, 30VDC, 0.6 power factor
SPDT, 2A, 30VDC, 0.6 power factor
24VDC, .5A power limited, regulated, resetable***
24VDC, .5A power limited, regulated, resistive load, non-
500mV (4-wire smoke and aux. power circuits)
Optional Accessories:
Remote annunciator RALCD
Max number per panel
Style Z (Class A) Module (CAM)
Power limited,100mA, 24VDC per unit, (see Appendix A)
0mA standby, 25mA alarm (see Appendix A)
90mA max in alarm (See Appendix A)
Notification Appliance Circuit (Bells): **
Current, nominal
Max short circuit current
Normal supervisory current
End of line resistance
24VDC, 2.0A (max) ***, power limited
2.5A, power limited
5.1K ohms
Initiating Device Circuits (Zones):
Smoke capacity (24VDC)†
Standby voltage
Max ripple voltage
Max short circuit current
Normal standby current
Alarm current threshold
Max impedance for alarm
End of line resistance
Max. line resistance
25 detectors, 0.1mA type; 20 detectors, 0.12mA type
27.5 VDC (max) to 16 VDC (min)
60mA, power limited
approx. 20mA
1.5K ohms
5.1K ohms
100 ohms
Supervisory Initiating Circuit:††
Max voltage
Max short circuit current
Max circuit resistance
Normal supervisory current
Trouble current
End of line resistance
27.5 VDC
10mA, power limited
100 ohms
2mA (low trouble) 5mA (supervisory)
5.1K ohms
Reverse Polarity Outputs:††† Max
voltage Max line current
24 VDC
* All terminals are capable of up to #12 AWG wire.
** Use any UL listed polarized notification appliances rated 24VDC.
***Total system current for auxiliary device powered by the panel not to exceed 2.5 amps. This includes NAC power, auxiliary
power, reverse polarity outputs, four wire detector power, and remote annunciator. The latter three are 0.5A max combined.
† Max load: 2.5mA. Use only detectors that are listed in compatibility list.
†† Use supervisory devices with normally open contacts.
††† Power limited
1.3.2 Housing
• Type 18-gauge sheet steel with hinged, removable, locked door.