Access DoodOutstde Key Release Aecesso_ 4, 5
Chain Tension 4, 5_ 11
Electrical Safety Warnings 2, 20, 3t
Garage Door
Testing for balance, binding and sticking 3, 28, 31
Determining high point of travel:
Secflo_l door 12
On@piece door 13
Disabling existing locks 3, 11
Door cbaranee brackets (for garages with low headroom) 12, 38
Force controls
Adiustment proe_ures 4, 29
Problems that might require force adjustments _ 35
Safety warP_ngs 29, 3l
Door hardware 3, 9, 11, 12, 18, 31,32
Mainten_ce instruction iabel 11 28
Reinforcement requirements 4, 24
Removing of aHropes 3, 11
Possibie door damage : 16, 24
Travel Iimits
Adiustment prc_edures 28
Problems that might requk_ limit adiustments 34, 35
Safety warnings 28, 31
Manual} (Emergency) Release Rope & Handle
Lc.skout feature 32
Manual di_onnect 32
Safety warnings 1I, 19, 31,32
Wall contro_ connections 18
Safety reversing sensor connections 23
O_;tdoor key switch a_essoPj connections 18
Sprocket noise 11
Vibration noise (isolator kit) 34
Receiver and Remote Control
Programming the receiver 33
Erasing a[[ codes 33
Activating other openers 33
Safe_ warning 33
Problems with remote control operation
Safety Reverse Test Procedure 30
Testing required t t, 30, %4, 35
Safety reverse system problems
Secunng header bracket to wall 12
Applying excessive force on the door 29
Buckling or uneven floor 4, 5
Safety' Warnings 2, 3, 9, I1.12, 16, 18, !9, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
User Instruction Label for garage wall 11, I8