Assembly Section: Pages 8- 11
To avoid installation d:mcu[ties, do not run the gauge d_r opener until :nst_ to do so.
, Align _e 3 Torai_se_ons on a fiat suRace exactty
as shown° The end sections are identical Make
sure the "arrow labet ° on the center se_ion is
pointing toward the door..
, Inse_ the carnage bolts so the square bolt necks
seat in the square holes in the T-rai! end sections
and pass through the round holes in T_rait center
section. Assemble lock nuts, ensure alignment and
Ma_ sure _ n_ks are
tig_en i_k nuts {_
o_ratJon, nef_ anddOr
aa_n_ d_ re_r_lm
END of "T_a_l
, Pos_on #_e_ble putiey bracket on #_efront end:of the
T_raii as shown Fasten s_cure_yv_4th_e hardware,
Hardware Shown Actual S:ze
_16 _ 18×;7/8" Sd!6_ 18 _1_
Whe_ t_ghte_ing
_e sorews_
tO t_he rail
Otherwise, the
whe_ o_aer _s