'_Centereachsensorunitin a "C_wrapwithlenses
pointingtowardeachotheracrossthed_r (see
tightenthewingnutonthereceMng eye to allow
for final adjustmenL Securely tighten the sending
eye wing nut,
, Run the wires from _th sen_rs to _e opener_
Use insulated stapJes to secure wire to walt and
Step 1/4 _of insulation from each set of wires.
Separate white and whit_lblack wires sufficien#y to
cermet to the opener terminal screws: white to 2
and white,_lack to 3.
Plug in the opener.. Make sure the Lock Feature is
off, Green indicator !ights in both the sending and
receiving eyes wi/i gtow steadily [f widng
connections and aIignment are correct.
if the indicator light is offin the receiviog eye (and
the invisible light beam path is not obstru_ed)_
alignment is required
Loosen the receiving eye wing nut to alfow slight
rotatiGq of unit. Adjust sensor vertically newer
hodzontaily until the green indicator light glows
When indicator lights are glowing steadily in bo_h
units, tighten the wing nut in the receiving eye uniL
Figure 6
1 If the sending eye indicator light does r_ot glow
steadily after !nstJlation, check for:
- Kle_tdc power to the opener.
A short in the white or white,_l_k wres These
can _cur under staples or at screw tem_in_
* Incorrect widng between senso_s and opener,
, An open wke (wre break}.
2. if the sen#ing eye indicator light clews stead@ but
the receiving eye indi@.tor light doesn't:
o Check alignment
, Check for an open wire to the receiving eye.
Hardware Shown Actual Size
Figure 7
O_;_r_et 7 e rmi_9t,_;
Pro_P_ A_-ea