Having a ProbJem?
Probable Cause and Solution
1 Does the opener have electdc power? Plug a _ampinto the outlet. _tit doesn't light,
operate from either check the fuse box or Me @rcuitbreaker (Some outlets are centre/ted by a w@I switdq,)
the Waft Cent,rot or 2. Have you d sabred all d_×_rk_ks? Review installation instnsction w_onings on Page 11.
the remote control: 3. is there a buiid_up of Joe or snow under the door? The door may be frozen to the
ground Remove any restriction
4. The garage door spring may be broken. Have it repkaced.
5. Repeated opera£ion may have tdpped the ovedoad prote_tor in the motor. Wait
15 minutes. Try again_
! _sthe Wail Centre//it? If not, remove the bell wire from the opener terminal screws.
from the remote Short the red and whte terminals by touching both terminals at the _sme time with a
control_ but not from piece of wire _fthe opener runs, cheek for a faulty wire connection at the Wall
the Wall Controh Centre!, a short under the staples, or a broken wire.
2 Are the wiring connections correct? Review Step 6, page 18.
from the Wail Control,
but net from the
remote centre#
1. If your model has the Lock feature, make sure the lock is Off.
2. Is any wall push button flashing? Your opener needs to redeam a remote controi
cede Refer to InstnJctions on the opener p_neL
3. Does the battery test light glow when the remote control push button is pressed? _f
not, replace the bakery.
4. Program the r(xseiver to match the remote control code.
5 Repeat the receiver programming procedure with aft remote controls.
_ee remote control 1. Check the battery test light, if the light is d{m, replace the bakery
2_ Change the Iocation of the remote centre{ {r_yourcar_
3. Check to be sure. the antenna on the side or back panel of opener extends fully
4. Some instailations may have sho_er range due to a meta_ door, toil backed
insulation, or metal garage siding
If operational n_se is a problem because of proximity of the opene_ to the _iving
disturbing in tiring quarters, the Vibration iselator Kit 41A3263 can be installed. This kit was designed to
quatt_,rs of homo: minimize vibration to the house and is easy to install
The garage door 1. Be sure that a{I remote control push bu_ons and battery indi_'_tor !ights are off,
2 Remove the bell wire from the Wall Control terminals and operate from the remote
control on_y_If this so!yes the problem, the Wall Contrei is faulty (replace), or there is
an intermittent sho_ on the wire beb_een the Wall Control and the opener
The door doesn't 1. If the door has been woAing propedy but now doesn't open a_ithe way, increase t_he
open completely: up force. See page 29.
2. Is something obstructing the door? Remove the obstruction or repair the door_
3, if door opens at least 5 feet, the trove! limits may need to be increased One turn
equats 2 inches of travel See page 28.
Repeat the safety reverse test after the adjustment is complete.
Review the travel iimits adiustment procedures on page 28.
doesn't close Repeat the aafo_ reverse test after any adjustment of door arm length, close
force or down limit.