I-Tech Series Power Amplifiers
Operation Manual page 17
4.2 Navigating the LCD Control Screen
4.2.1 Introduction
The LCD Control Screen and its controls let you configure the ampli-
fier and access many features that before were available only through
a remote computer. Also, you can recall DSP presets for certain loud-
speaker models. (Some DSP parameters cannot be adjusted with the
LCD Control Screen. That is done in System Architect or IQwic.)
Figure 4.1 shows the parts of the LCD Control Screen. Its functions
are described below. NOTE: Listed functions can also be controlled in
System Architect or IQwic. The LCD-screen Menu Tree is on Page 21.
Attenuation and Bar Meters
On power-up with the factory defaults, the LCD Control Screen dis-
plays the attenuation in dB and on bar meters. To change the atten-
uation in either channel, turn the Encoder. Attenuation changes 0.5
dB per detent when you turn the Encoder slowly, and more when
you turn the Encoder quickly. The current preset name is displayed
in the upper-right corner. The (M) is explained on page 18 under
If Attenuator Limits have been set (in the Attenuator Limits screen,
described later), small lines showing those limits will appear in the
bar meters as shown. If the attenuators for both channels are linked
(in the Attenuator Link screen, described later), the word LINK
appears. If there is an error in the error log, an exclamation point
appears at bottom center.
Front Panel Lockout
The amplifier’s administrator can control access to menu mode and
the amplifier’s attenuators. This lockout can be done either by the
front panel buttons or by System Architect or IQ software.
To lock or unlock the menu with the front-panel buttons: press Next
and Prev
simultaneously. To lock or unlock the menu with System
Architect or IQ software: in the IQwic Control Panel, go to the Gen-
eral Page and press the lockout button.
If the lockout is done from the software, the user can disable the
lockout only in the software, not by pressing the front-panel but-
If the menu is locked and you press any button or turn an Encoder,
the word “LOCKED” is displayed.
4 Advanced Operation
Figure 4.1 Parts of the LCD Control Screen
Getting around in the Menu is intuitive. Here are the basic opera-
• Press Menu/Exit to enter the main menu.
• Press Next to go to the next item in the menu.
• Press Prev
to go to the previous item in the menu.
• Turn or press either Encoder knob to change the value of the dis-
played parameter.
• Press Menu/Exit to leave the menu and return to the Attenuation
screen at any time.
Basic Menu Items
CH1 Sensitivity: Sets the input sensitivity of Channel 1. Turn an
Encoder knob to change the input sensitivity.
Note: If you do not see the sensitivity you need, try changing the
Maximum Analog Input level in the Advanced Features Menu
(described later). This makes different sensitivities available.
To optimize the system gain structure, see Section 3.1 in the I-Tech
application Guide at www.crownaudio.com/itech/pdf/137327.pdf.
Contrast: Press Menu/Exit to enter the Basic Menu. The first item
on the menu you see is the Contrast screen. Turn an Encoder knob
to change the contrast of the LCD screen. You can return to the
Attenuation screen by pressing Menu/Exit, or go to other menu
items by pressing Next or Prev.
• To mute either channel: Press and hold an Encoder knob for
1 second. The display will alternate between MUTE and the attenua-
tion level. While the amplifier is muted, you can adjust attentuation
for each channel by turning an Encoder knob.
• To unmute either channel: Press and hold an Encoder knob again
for 1 second.
The (M) is explained on page 18 under Presets.
Attenuation Preset 1 (M)
Some menu items require confirmation: after you request a change,
the display might say “Press and hold.” To confirm a change, press
and hold an Encoder knob. If you don't want the change to occur
during a confirmation, turn the knob or wait five seconds.
Attenuation Preset 12 (M)
Attenuation Preset 12 (M)
CH1 Sensitivity
dB Gain
RMS Volts
CH2 Sensitivity: Sets the input sensitivity of Channel 2. Turn an
Encoder knob to change the input sensitivity. (This screen will not
display in Bridge Mono mode).
Note: If you do not see the sensitivity you need, try changing the
Maximum Analog Input level in the Advanced Features Menu
(described later). This makes different sensitivities available.
CH2 Sensitivity
dB Gain
RMS Volts