I-Tech Series Power Amplifiers
Operation Manual page 19
Pink Noise Generator: The default setting is OFF. Press an
Encoder knob to turn on the generator. Its level will read –100 dB.
Adjust the noise level from –100 dB to +20 dB in 0.5 dB steps by
turning Encoder 1 or 2. The level can be adjusted only when this
menu option is visible. To turn off the generator, press an Encoder
knob or go to another menu item.
Pink Noise Generator
Input Source: For each channel, press the Encoder to select ana-
log, digital, or automatic backup source. Options are:
Digital (DIG)
Analog (ANLG)
Digital with analog backup (A <– D)
Digital with analog override (D <– A)
Digital with analog backup: The I-Tech is being fed a digital signal
and an analog signal. The input is currently switched to the digital
signal. If it fails, the I-Tech switches instantly to the analog signal.
Digital with analog override: The input is switched to the digital sig-
nal, and no analog signal is applied. If an analog signal is sent, the
I-Tech switches instantly to the analog signal. If the analog signal
fails, the I-Tech switches to the digital signal after a delay set by the
Hold Time slider in the Input Section of the IQwic Signal Path Page.
Maximum Analog Input: Press an Encoder to select +21 dBu or
+15 dBu. When set to +21 dBu, the maximum input level to the
amplifier is +21 dBu. When set to +15 dBu, the maximum input
level to the amplifier is +15 dBu. Note: Changing this value changes
the range of sensitivities available to the amplifier.
For more information see the I-Tech Sensitivity Charts in the
Appendix of the I-Tech Application Guide. It is available online at
Input Source
Maximum Analog Input
AES/EBU Input Trim: Sets the gain of the AES/EBU digital input
signal. Turn an Encoder to change the gain.
AES/EBU Input Trim
Exit: To exit the Advanced Menu and go to the Attenuation screen,
press Menu/Exit once.
Peak Voltage Limiter: Limits the peak output voltage to a level
that you set, either OFF or 0 to 255 volts. Press the Encoder to turn
on the Limiter. Once it’s on, turn the Encoder to set the voltage.
Additional controls, such as attack and release, are available
through IQwic or System Architect.
Average Power Limiter: Limits the output power to an amount
that you set, from 10 watts to the maximum output power of the
amplifier. Press the Encoder to turn on the Limiter. Once it’s on, turn
the Encoder to set the power. Additional controls, such as nominal
impedance, attack, and release, are available through IQwic or Sys-
tem Architect.
Avg Power Limiter
Peak Voltage Limiter
4 Advanced Operation
Coarse Signal Delay: Sets the coarse signal delay in each chan-
nel. Twist each channel’s Encoder knob to vary the delay. The delay
step size is speed sensitive.
Coarse Signal Delay in the LCD screen corresponds to Coarse Sig-
nal Delay in IQwic > I-Tech control panel > Signal Path Tab > Delay
Fine Signal Delay: Sets the fine signal delay in each channel.
Twist each channel’s Encoder knob to vary the delay. The delay step
size is speed sensitive.
Fine Signal Delay in the LCD screen corresponds to Fine Signal
Delay in IQwic > I-Tech control panel > Signal Path Tab > Delay
Output Polarity: Press each channel’s Encoder knob to toggle the
output signal polarity between + and –.
Output Polarity in the LCD screen corresponds to the Polarity but-
tons in IQwic > I-Tech control panel > Signal Path Tab > Output Sec-
tion block.
Coarse Signal Delay
Fine Signal Delay
Output Polarity