[5.7] Key entry, beeper, and vibrator test
Selecting "7:KEY & VIBRATION" on the TEST menu
calls up the screen shown at left and makes the
BHT ready for entry from the keypad.
Pressing individual keys displays the identifier let-
ters in the positions pre-assigned to those keys on
the LCD as well as sounding the beeper or running
the vibrator. (As long as the individual key is held
down, the BHT continues beeping or vibrating.)
Pressing the same key again erases the displayed
The table below shows the relationship between the keys, the identifier letters to be
displayed on the LCD, and the frequencies (Hz) of the beeper.
(Note) Only when the M3 (left-hand trigger switch) or M4 key (right-hand trigger
switch) is pressed, the vibrator works.
Key Letter Beeper (Hz)
M3 F (Note)
M1 D 293
M2 E 329
M4 G (Note)
77 391
88 440
99 493
44 523
55 587
66 659
After all keys are pressed and displayed on the
LCD, this test automatically ends and the screen
returns to the TEST menu.
To stop this test, turn the power off.
Key Letter Beeper (Hz)
11 698
22 783
33 880
00 987
.. 1046
ENT = 1174
BS A 1318
CB 1396
SF C 1567