[4.5-2] Setting the communications parameters for the direct-connect
Selecting "2:CONNECTOR" on the SET COM menu
calls up the screen shown at left.
1 PARAMETER: Switches to the commu-
nications parameters set-
ting screen.
2 PROTOCOL: Switches to the commu-
nications protocol option
Select a desired screen by using the numerical
keys or M1 and M2 keys, and then press the ENT
To return to the SET COM menu, press the C key.
(1) Communications parameters setting screen
Selecting "1:PARAMETER" on the SET CONNEC-
TOR screen calls up the screen shown at left.
Highlighted is the current setting.
1 TRANSMIT SPEED: Sets the transmission
2 PARITY BIT: Sets the vertical parity:
none, odd, or even.
3 DATA BIT: Sets the character length.
4 STOP BIT: Sets the stop bit length.
Select a desired item by using the numerical keys
or M1 and M2 keys. Then select a desired setting
by using the SF+M1 and SF+M2 keys.
To return to the SET CONNECTOR screen, press
the C key.
If the BHT-Ir protocol has been selected, the
parity bit, character length, and stop bit length
settings will be ignored.