Digicom S.p.A.
Manual rev.2.0
Pag. 5
1.1 LED Description
The VoiceGATE status can be checked through seven led indicators.
Lan x Indicates the LAN ports status
Off: no device connected
On: device connected
Line x Indicates the status of the two telephone lines
Off: device not registered at the GateKeeper or
internal address book not configured.
On: device registered at the GateKeeper or internal
address book configured
Flashing: line in use
Wan Indicates the WAN ports status
Flashing: activity on the WAN port
Pwr Indicates the status of the power
Off: VoiceGATE is not powered
On: VoiceGATE is powered
When all the LEDs are on, except the WAN led, it means the device is starting up. This
operation takes about 45 seconds and takes place at the starting up, after a saving of the
configuration or after a reset.
1.2 Connectors Description
Tel1-2 RJ11 connectors (FXS) for PSTN analog devices (telephones, modem, fax)
ISDN RJ45 connector for ISDN telephones
Lan1-3 10/100Mbs (MDI-X) switch ports
WAN 10/100Mps (MDI) Ethernet port