Digicom S.p.A.
Manual rev.2.0
Pag. 8
Note: in case of problems while displaying the
configuration, be sure that no proxy Server
is active.
In Microsoft Internet Explorer the Proxy setup
is in: Tools, Internet Options, Connections
LAN, Settings.
Menù Description
1. General Configuration It displays the information on the HW and SW release
of the equipment.
2. Telephony Configuration It allows the reading and the voice parameters setup.
3. Supplementary Services It allows the reading and the voice supplementary
services setup.
4. Public Network Configuration It allows the reading and the Wan (Uplink) parameters
5. Private Network Configuration It allows the reading and the LAN (private user
network) parameters setup.
6. Mac Addresses Displays the Mac Address Wan side and LAN side.
7. SNMP Agent It allows the reading and setup of SNMP protocol
8. RIP It allows the reading and setup of Rip protocol
9. Routing Table It allows the reading of the routing table.
10. Security Configuration It allows the password setup.
11. Save Setting Save the configuration.
12. Reset Reset the equipment without modifying the current
The Submit button loads the current configuration.
Use the “Submit” button before going on with the
consultation of the other menus.