52D-Link ShareCenter Shadow DNS-325 User Manual
Section 4 - Configuration
Here the user can assign privileges to this share.
Opportunistic locks (oplocks) are a characteristic of the LAN
Manager networking protocol implemented in the 32bit Windows
family. Oplocks are guarantees made by a server for a shared logical
volume to its clients. These guarantees inform the Client that a file’s
content will not be allowed to be changed by the server, or if some
change is imminent, the client will be notified before the change
is allowed to proceed. Oplocks are designed to increase network
performance when it comes to network file sharing. However it
is recommended to set the share oplocks to No (off) when using
file-based database applications. When enabled, the file attribute
“Map Archive” will be copied as the file is being stored on the
Click on the ‘Next’ button to accept the change and continue to the
next window.
Click on the ‘Exit’ button to discard the changes made and return to
the Network Shares Page.
Step 3
Here the user can assign more protocol privileges that a user
can use to access this share. Options to choose from are
FTP, NFS and WebDAV. CIFS and AFP are set as default.
• CIFS is short for Common Internet File System.
• AFP is short for Apple Filing Protocol.
• FTP is short for File Transfer Protocol
• NFS is short for Network File System.
• WebDAV is short for Web-based Distributed Authoring
and Versioning.
Click on the ‘Previous’ button to return to the previous
Click on the ‘Next’ button to accept the change and continue
to the next window.
Click on the ‘Exit’ button to discard the changes made and
return to the Network Shares Page.