56D-Link ShareCenter Shadow DNS-325 User Manual
Section 4 - Configuration
Here the user can assign access privileges to this ISO Mount share.
• Select All Accounts to assign the ISO Mount share read/deny
privileges to all users.
• Select Specific User/Group in order to assign read/deny
privileges to individual users and groups.
Click on the ‘Previous’ button to return to the previous window.
Click on the ‘Next’ button to accept the change and continue to the
next window.
Click on the ‘Exit’ button to discard the changes made and return to
the Network Shares Page.
Step 3
The user can assign Read Only or Deny Access privileges
to the ISO Mount share here. Click on the appropriate radio
button for the privileges you would like to assign.
Click on the ‘Previous’ button to return to the previous
Click on the ‘Next’ button to accept the change and continue
to the next window.
Click on the ‘Exit’ button to discard the changes made and
return to the Network Shares Page.