Using the effects of the internal sound generator
Using the effects of
the internal sound
Parameters that can be edited in Native mode
The sound generator effect parameters that can be edited using the front panel of the SD-80 will differ
depending on the sound generator mode (GM2 or Native mode). In the SD-80’s Native mode, you can
edit the parameters of the two system effects and three MFX (multi-effects). The following parameters can
be edited.
■ Reverb (System Effect)
This includes parameters that specify the type of reverb, how the reverb will be sounded, and how it will
be output.
Reverb Type
Selection for the type of reverb. The parameters that can be edited will depend on the Reverb Type.
Reverb Level 0–127
Specifies the output level of the signal that has passed through the reverb.
Reverb Source COMMON, PART 1–32
Reverb parameters (reverb type, reverb time, etc.) exist both outside the sound (COMMON) and within
the sound (PATCH). This setting specifies which set of parameters the reverb unit will use.
Output Assign 1, 2
Selects the output jacks for the reverb. You can select either OUTPUT 1 or OUTPUT 2 stereo outputs.
When Reverb Type is set to 1 (Reverb)
The following parameters can be edited when Reverb Type is set to 1 (Reverb).
Type (Reverb/Delay Type)
Specifies the type of reverb (or delay).
Time (Reverb/Delay Time) 0–127
When the Type is ROOM 1–HALL 2 this adjusts the duration of the reverb. When the Type is DELAY or
PAN-DELAY, this specifies the delay time. Increasing this value will produce a more spacious feeling.
Type Explanation
0 (OFF) Reverb will not be used.
1 (Reverb) Basic reverb.
2 (SRV Room) Reverb that simulates the reverberation of a room in greater detail.
3 (SRV Hall) Reverb that simulates the reverberation of a hall in greater detail.
4 (SRV Plate) Reverb that simulates a plate echo (a reverb device that uses a metal plate).
5 (GM2) This is the same as GM2 reverb.
Value Explanation
ROOM 1 Reverb with short duration and high density
ROOM 2 Reverb with short duration and low density
STAGE 1 Reverb with a greater amount of subsequent reverberation
STAGE 2 Reverb with strong early reflections
HALL 1 Reverb with a transparent character
HALL 2 Rich reverb
DELAY Conventional delay
PAN-DELAY Delay with reflections that pan (move) between left and right