Controlling the SD-80 via MIDI
3. Transmit “Part Output MFX Select” to specify the
MFX (MFX A–MFX C) to which the part output will be
Address (pp): when you want part 1 to use the MFX =20
when you want part 2 to use the MFX =21
when you want part 32 to use the MFX =3F
Data (nn): when you want to use MFX A =00
when you want to use MFX B =01
when you want to use MFX C =02
Checksum (ss): For details on the calculation method, refer to the section “How to calculate the
checksum” within “MIDI Implementation” (MIDIImp_E.pdf) on the included CD-
4. Select the MFX type.
Address (mm): when you want to use MFX A =06
when you want to use MFX B =08
when you want to use MFX C =0A
Data (tt): Select the effect type (00–5A)
Checksum (ss): For details on the calculation method, refer to the section “How to calculate the
checksum” within “MIDI Implementation” (MIDIImp_E.pdf) on the included CD-
<Example> Share MFX B with the sounds of parts 4, 6, and 7, and set the effect type to 24:REVERB
1. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 00 31 00 3F F7
2-1. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 23 1F 00 2E F7
2-2. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 25 1F 00 2C F7
2-3. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 26 1F 00 2B F7
3-1. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 23 20 01 2C F7
3-2. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 25 20 01 2A F7
3-3. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 26 20 01 29 F7
4. F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 08 00 18 50 F7
F0 41 10 00 48 12 [10 00 pp 20] [nn] [ss] F7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Part Output
MFX Select
F0 41 10 00 48 12 [10 00 mm 00] [tt] [ss] F7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Common MFX
Ty pe