Note: Controls below refer to Default configuration.
SinglE PlAyEr
Reload/Context action
Change stance
Change weapon
Equip pistol
(double tap)
Fire weapon
Throw grenade
Iron sights
Peek & Lean
Change vision goggles
Select fire mode
Dynamic HUD
Grenade launcher (where applicable)
Objectives menu
Pause menu
Reload/Context action
Jump/Switch seat
Change stance
Change weapon
Equip pistol
(double tap)
Fire weapon
Throw grenade
Alternative weapon
Support actions
Pause menu
DynAmic HuD
To achieve an immersive gameplay experience, the in-game HUD is kept to the bare minimum amount
of data needed. Activate the Dynamic HUD to view the location of your allies, the objective, and your
current ammo counts.
When sprinting toward cover in the campaign, press to change your stance into a slide. Sliding
allows you to quickly reach cover and return to an attack position. When you have completed your slide,
you assume a crouching position. Press and hold get into a prone position.
PEEk & lEAn
Peek & Lean allows you to take cover behind objects and lean out to fire on enemy positions when
playing in the campaign.
rEquESt Ammo
If you find yourself running low on ammo, request more from your allies. Squad members with similar
weapons pass you additional ammo.The bullet icon above an ally’s head shows how many times they
can resupply you during a level. Allies won’t give you ammo if they are pinned down or under attack.
Tier 1 is a competitive, online-only, single player mode. In Tier 1, replay Campaign levels with an eye
toward posting the best time and getting the most skill kills. Adding to the challenge in Tier 1, difficulty
is increased and there are no mid-level checkpoints—if you die you must begin the level over.
Playing times and stats are tracked and posted to online leaderboards so that you can compare your
performance with friends and other players from around the world. Markers inside the levels show your
friends’ progress. Interact with a marker to send your friend a message and let them know you have
passed them. Put your skills on display and show your friends who is the most elite of the elite.
Skill killS
The goal of Tier 1 is to beat a level in the shortest time possible. Getting skill kills temporarily freezes
the clock to help you improve your time.
A headshot freezes the timer for two seconds. Ô
Three headshots in a row freezes the timer for five seconds. Ô
A melee kill freezes the timer for two seconds. Ô
Three melee kills within 10 seconds freezes the timer for six seconds. Ô
Killing two enemies with a single bullet freezes the timer for six seconds. Ô
Killing five enemies within 15 seconds freezes the timer for five seconds. Ô