objEctivE rAiD
In Objective Raid, OPFOR swarms across a map to sabotage two objectives using improvised explosive
devices (IEDs). Coalition forces must stop them and defend their installations. OPFOR has a limited
amount of time to accomplish their objective.
Objective Raid pits coalition forces against OPFOR once again. This time, coalition forces are dug in
around two objectives and must defend the area from the incoming OPFOR. The two objectives can be
taken in either order, forcing the coalition forces to stay on guard constantly while the OPFOR forces
their way to the objectives.
While players score points for attacking as usual, those points do not count toward the team’s score.
These points will be displayed at the end of a round, but they are not used to calculate the winning
team. If OPFOR manages to clear both objectives before time is up, they are the victors. If the coalition
forces successfully defend the points and outlast the OPFOR, then they are the winners.
SEctor control
Sector Control forces two sides to fight for possession of three objectives. These objectives are
represented by flags. Holding an objective accumulates points. The more objectives you hold, the faster
your points accrue. The first team to achieve a preset score wins.
On each Sector Control map are three objectives. These objectives begin in a neutral state, with either
team able to secure them. Stand close to an objective to capture it. The more friendly units there are in
the area, the faster the capturing process goes. After a point is captured, the team scores points over
time. Points can be lost and recaptured as the match goes on.
HElmAnD vAllEy
Playlists: Combat Mission
Python 1 has been tasked to break through the southern province of Helmand in search of intelligence
and weapon caches. Several anti-aircraft emplacements in the area deny the coalition air superiority,
which complicates the situation. The experienced operators of Python 1 prepare, knowing the area is
infested with OPFOR fighters. As they start down along the stream they detect rapid movement in the
distant brushes.
The coalition forces must fight their way through the valley, clearing out several OPFOR strongholds and
bunker systems to finally allow a wing of F18 Hornets to deliver their deadly payload on target.
mAzAr-i-SHArif AirfiElD
Playlists: Combat Mission
Coalition forces are preparing to assault the northern airfield of Mazar-i-Sharif. OPFOR fighters have set
up a strong defensive perimeter among wrecks of Russian tanks and airplanes. INTEL indications that a
High Value Target is hiding somewhere by the airstrip make the need for surgical precision all the more
crucial. Python 1 prepares to enter what looks like a graveyard.
Coalition forces must first gain entry to the airfield by destroying a barricade and then fight their way
through hangars and wrecks before they can reach the air tower at the end of the airstrip. Along the
way OPFOR marksmen have dug in deep to wait for the attackers.
SHAHikHot mountAinS
Playlists: Combat Mission
A Chinook helicopter has crashed somewhere in the Shahikhot mountains. These snow covered
mountain peaks, called The Place of the King (in the local tongue) has been a rebel hiding place since
ancient times. Python 1 is inserted to investigate and look for survivors in these eerie surroundings. As
they embark from their helicopter they hear the first crackling sound of a sniper rifle roll between the
steep mountain sides.
A strong OPFOR pres ence in the area leaves the coalition forces stranded. They must fight their way up
the mountains, past ammo caches and mortar stations, to clear any hostile anti-aircraft emplacements
to allow evacuation from the area.
DiwAgAl cAmP
Playlists: Team Assault, Objective Raid, Sector Control
The inhospitable terrain and complex cave networks of the Kunar province have made it a favored
spot for OPFOR activity. An OPFOR base has been found in the southern parts of the Diwagal Valley close to a
small settlement of mud huts. Coalition forces insert to clear the area and meet heavy OPFOR resistance.