
8 infrared-activated touch screen keys that eliminate the requirement for a
magnetic pen.
Complete GC status, control and diagnostics, including full chromatogram display.
See Appendix A for more information about operating the LOI.
2.1.2 Upper compartment
The upper compartment contains the following components:
Valves. There are two types of XA valves: 6-port and 10-port. A 700XA can have a
maximum of four XA valves consisting of any combination of the two types.
Column module. Either capillary or micro-packed.
Thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The 700XA has a minimum of one TCD and a
maximum of two TCDs.
Two heating elements: a “top hat” heater and a column heater.
One temperature switch for each heating element. The switch turns off its
heating element if the heating element reaches 257° F (160° C).
Pressure switch. The pressure switch activates when the carrier pressure falls below
a predetermined set point. When activated, the switch triggers a general alarm that
displays on the front panel or LOI and in MON2020.
Flame ionization detector (FID). The optional FID, which detects trace levels of
hydrocarbons, can be used in place of one TCD.
Flame photometric detector (FPD). The optional FPD, which detects trace levels of
sulphur compounds, can be used in place of a TCD. Installed as a "side car"
component. For more information, refer to the FPD for Gas Chromatographs
Hardware Reference Manual.
Methanator. The methanator, or catalytic converter, is an optional component that
converts otherwise undetectable carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide into
methane by adding hydrogen and heat to the sample.
Liquid sample injection valve (LSIV). The optional LSIV is used to vaporize a liquid
sample, thereby expanding the GC’s capability to measure liquids.
2.1.3 Lower compartment
The lower compartment consists of the following components:
Backplane. The backplane is the GC’s central printed circuit board (PCB). Its main
function is as a connection point for the GC’s specialized plug-in PCBs. The
backplane also hosts connections for analog outputs and analog inputs, serial ports
and an Ethernet port.
Card cage. The card cage holds the specialized PCBs that plug into the backplane.
The following PCBs are housed in the card cage:
- Preamp board
- CPU board
- Base I/O board
Equipment description and specifications
Equipment description and specifications