Alarm Name Possible Causes/Solution
Stream Skipped One or more streams in the stream sequence cannot be analyzed
because their “Usage” option is set to “Unused”.
Recommended actions:
Use MON2020 to do one of the following:
Remove the unused stream(s) from the stream sequence.
Change the Usage option of the stream(s) in the Streams dialog
to something other than “Unused”.
GC Idle The GC has been placed in Idle mode and is not running an analy-
Warm Start Failed The GC failed to achieve desired operating condition after power
up. Unable to regulate heater zone temperature(s).
Recommended actions:
1. Check heater settings in MON2020 or the LOI.
2. Check that the carrier gas cylinder pressure is 10 psi (or
greater) above the mechanical regulator set point.
3. Confirm that carrier cylinder has flow to the GC.
4. Check for leaks in the carrier gas sample path.
5. Confirm that RTDs are not open.
6. If necessary, replace RTD(s), heater(s) and/or regulator(s).
Heater 1 Out Of Range
Heater 2 Out Of Range
Heater 3 Out Of Range
Heater 4 Out Of Range
Heater 5 Out Of Range
Heater 6 Out Of Range
Heater 7 Out Of Range
Heater 8 Out Of Range
The GC failed to regulate heater zone temperatures for the indi-
cated heater to within preset limits.
Recommended actions:
1. Check temperatures within the GC, using MON2020 or the
LOI. Be aware that the GC may generate this alarm during
start up or if the set point has been changed.
2. Check wiring, looking for splits or loose connections at the
termination board (for both the heaters and the RTDs).
3. If necessary, replace the defective heater and/or RTD.
Flame Out The FID flame will not light or has extinguished.
Recommended actions:
1. Use the front switch panel or the LOI or MON2020 to ignite
the FID.
2. If unable to sustain the flame, confirm that both fuel and air
cylinders are connected and contain sufficient pressure.
3. Confirm that fuel and air set points are set to achieve factory-
desired mixture.
4. Confirm that there is no blockage at the FID outlet - such as a
cap or ice.
5. Check that the wiring connections are secure for the FID,
both on the FID cap and at the termination board.
6. If necessary, replace the FID module.
Operation and maintenance
Operation and maintenance