
Hot Swap: Hot Swap LED and Ejector Switch Control
10006024-04 Katana
752i User’s Manual
The Hot Swap logic functions as follows when a board is removed from a slot:
1 The operator opens the board’s ejector handles and the PCI0_HS signals goes low to
indicate that the board is about to be extracted.
2 The REM bit is set, and the PCI0_ENUMn pin is asserted, if not masked by the EIM bit.
3 System Hot Swap software detects PCI0_ENUMn assertion and checks the REM bits in all
Hot Swap-compliant boards. It identifies the board to be extracted and clears the REM bit
(by writing a value of one).
4 The MV64460 system controller acknowledges the system software by stopping the
assertion of the PCI0_ENUMn pin.
5 The Hot Swap software may reconfigure the rest of the boards. When ready, it sets the LOO
bit to indicate that the board can be removed.
6 The MV64460 system controller drives PCI0_LED pin to one, and the Hot Swap LED turns on
to indicate to the operator that the board can be removed.