Monitor: Flash Commands
10006024-04 Katana®752i User’s Manual
00080020: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................
00080030: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................
00080040: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................
00080050: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................
00080060: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................
00080070: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................
The Flash commands affect the StrataFlash devices on the Katana®752i circuit board.
There is a maximum of two Flash banks on the Katana®752i board. The following Flash
commands access the individual Flash banks as Flash bank 1 or Flash bank 2. To access the
individual sectors within each Flash bank, the sector numbers start at 0 and end at one less
than the total number of sectors in the bank. For a Flash bank with 128 sectors, the follow-
ing Flash commands access the individual sectors as 0 through 127.
The cp command can be used to copy data into the Flash device. For the cp command syn-
tax, refer to Section .
The erase command erases the specified area of Flash memory.
Definition: Erase all of the sectors in the address range from start to end.
erase start end
Erase all of the sectors SF (first sector) to SL (last sector) in Flash bank # N.
erase N:SF[-SL]
Erase all of the sectors in Flash bank # N.
erase bank N
Erase all of the sectors in all of the Flash banks.
erase all
The flinfo command prints out the Flash device’s manufacturer, part number, size, number
of sectors, and starting address of each sector.
Definition: Print information for all Flash memory banks.
Print information for the Flash memory in bank # N.
flinfo N