126 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
Motor Definition Section
The motor definitions section contains the names and
parameters of one or more user defined motors. The order
of the parameters in the motor definition must match the
example in Figure 120.
The motor parameters do not define with which drive(s) the
motor may be used. Therefore, any motor in the .ddf file
may be used with any drive.
Abbreviated parameter identifiers are used in the .ddf file.
The table below shows the abbreviated identifier for each
parameter followed by a description of each.
Motor ID
MotorID is used for each motor to mark the beginning of a
new user defined motor definition. The format is [MotorXX]
where XX is the number indicating placement in the motor
list. The first motor in the list is always [Motor0]. For each
motor added to the list, the Motor ID increments by one.
The motor name is limited to 12 characters and must begin
with an alpha character (non-numeric character). This is
the motor name that will appear in the “Motor Type” list box
on the Motor/Encoder view in PowerTools Pro EZ.
This parameter is not used in early releases of PowerTools
Pro EZ. Eventually the user can place motors into a
specified folder to make the motor list easier to sort through
in PowerTools. A folder name is specified and may include
subfolders separated by the “|” character. More information
on this parameter to be provided later. Initially, select from
200V or 400V values.
If a motor is automatically entered into the .ddf file by
PowerTools Pro EZ when uploading or opening an existing
file, this parameter will be set to “UploadedMotor”.
Specifies the peak current allowed by the motor. The valid
range is 0.00 to 9999.99 Amps (rms). The motor
manufacturer typically provides the peak current data.
If a system is “drive limited” (meaning that the motor can
handle more current than the drive can deliver), the peak
current actually used by the system may be lower than the
value specified here.
Specifies the continuous current allowed by the motor. It is
used to determine the Unidrive SP continuous current and
peak current limits. The drive can also limit the continuous
current to the motor based on the drive capacity. The range
is 0.00 to 9999.99 Amps (rms). The motor manufacturer
typically provides the continuous current data.
If a system is ‘drive limited” (meaning that the motor can
handle more current than the drive can deliver), the
continuous current actually used by the system may be
lower than the value specified here.
Specifies the number of magnetic poles on the motor. The
supported values are 4 to 120. The motor manufacturer
typically provides the motor pole information.
This parameter specifies the inertia of the motor rotor. The
range is 0.000010 to 90.000000 kg*m^2. The
SM-EZMotion module uses this parameter to interpret the
“Inertia Ratio” parameter found on the Tuning view. “Inertia
Ratio” is specified as a ratio of reflected load inertia to
motor inertia.
Specifies the Ke of the motor. The units are Vrms/ kRPM.
The line-to-line voltage will have this RMS value when the
motor is rotated at 1000 RPM. The range is 1.0 to 5000.0.
The motor manufacturer will typically provide the Ke data.
Specifies the phase resistance of the motor. You can
determine this value by measuring the resistance between
any motor phase and ground with an ohm-meter. The
range is 0.000 to 30.000 Ohms. The motor manufacturer
will typically provide the phaseResistance data.
This parameter is not the same as the phaseResistance
parameter found in the .ddf file used for En/Epsilon/MDS
drives. Do not copy this value from stdmotor.ddf.
Specifies the phase inductance of the motor. This is the
inductance measured from phase to ground and NOT
phase-to-phase. The range is 0.00 to 5000.00 mH.
DDF File Parameter Parameter Description Units
Motor name that appears in
Motor Type list box
Not currently used -
future motor organization
peakCurrent Motor Peak Current rating Amps(rms)
continuousCurrent Motor Continuous Current rating Amps(rms)
motorPoles Number of Motor Poles N/A
rotorInertia Motor Rotor Inertia kg*m
motorKE Motor Electrical Time Constant Vrms/kRPM
phaseResistance Motor Stator Resistance Ohms
phaseInductanceSP Motor Stator Inductance mH
maxOperatingSpeed Motor Maximum Velocity RPM
thermalTimeConstant Motor Thermal Time Constant Sec.
encoderPhaseAngle Motor Encoder Phase Angle Degrees