Glossary www.emersonct.com 131
Personal Computer.
Protective Earth.
Proportional-Integral-Derivative. An acronym that
describes the compensation structure that can be used
in many closed-loop systems.
Programmable Logic Controller. Also known as a
programmable controller, these devices are used for
machine control and sequencing.
PowerTools Pro
PowerTools Pro is a Windows® based software to
interface with the SM-EZMotion module.
Radio Button
Also known as the Option Button. In a dialog box, radio
buttons are small circles only one of which can be
chosen at a time. The chosen button is black and the
others are white. Choosing any button with the mouse
causes all the other buttons in the set to be cleared.
RAM is an acronym for Random-Access Memory, which
is a memory device whereby any location in memory can
be found, on average, as quickly as any other location.
Commonly refers to Read-Write memory, as opposed to
Read-Only Memory (ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash).
RAM is considered volatile, because its contents are lost
during a power loss.
Root Mean Squared. For an intermittent duty cycle
application, the RMS is equal to the value of steady state
current which would produce the equivalent heating over
a long period of time.
ROM is an acronym for Read-Only Memory. A ROM
contains computer instructions that do not need to be
changed, such as permanent parts of the operating
Revolutions Per Minute.
Serial Port
A digital data communications port configured with a
minimum number of signal lines. This is achieved by
passing binary information signals as a time series of 1’s
and Ø’s on a single line.
The terminals at which energy is taken from a circuit or
Travel Limit
The distance that is limited by either a travel limit switch
or the software.
The moment of force, a measure of its tendency to
produce torsion and rotation about an axis.
The transfer of a complete set of parameters from a
drive to an FM.
User Units
Ability of program to allow user to specify which type of
units will measure and specify motion and time.
Volts, Alternating Current.
A labeled value that encompasses numeric boolean,
input function, and output functions.
Volts, Direct Current.
The rate of change in position in a given direction during
a certain time interval.
Portion of screen within frame.
Windows®, Microsoft®
Microsoft Windows is an operating system that provides
a graphical user interface, extended memory and
multi-tasking. The screen is divided into windows and
the user uses a mouse to start programs and make
menu choices.