The load or torque is always reset to zero. A single channel unit will automatically
set Load A or Torque A to zero.
Reset Button
The Reset button brings up a list of things that you might want to set to zero:
If this is a 2-channel unit, the following menu will appear:
> Reset Ch A + Ch B will reset the peak and valley for channels A and B.
> Reset Ch A Only will reset the peak and valley for channel A.
> Reset Ch B Only will reset the peak and valley for channel B.
> Reset Position will reset the position to zero.
> Reset Limits will reset any limits that require manual resetting.
For a single channel unit, the following menu will appear:
> Reset Peak+Vall will reset the peak and valley measurements.
> Reset Peak Only will reset the peak measurement.
> Reset Vall Only will reset the valley measurement.
> Reset Position will reset the position to zero.
> Reset Limits will reset any limits that require manual resetting.
Pressing either the “+” button or the “>“ button will scroll forward through this list.
Pressing either the “-” button or the “<“ button will scroll backward through the list.
Pressing “Enter” will reset the currently displayed item. Pressing “Esc” will return
to Run Mode without resetting anything. Note that all menu lists on the Model
9840 start with the “>“ symbol and that the Esc button will always back out of a
menu without making any changes.
View Button
The View button switches between two virtual displays stored in the memory.
Each of these displays will remember the units you have selected for each item,
and which item is currently being shown. This may save you from scrolling
through the list of items if there are two particular results that you often use. For
instance you might set the display to show Load in Lb, press View, and then set
the display for Peak in PSI. Repeated presses of the View button will now switch
back and forth between Load in Lb and Peak in PSI with a single button push. If
you choose to have the second line show a display, then the View button toggles
between the display currently being activated. The activated display will have a
“>” symbol to the left of it.
Esc Button
In Run Mode, the Esc button will freeze and unfreeze the run mode numerical
display. Press once to freeze the display at the current value. Press again to
return display to actual reading from sensor. See Setup Mode information for the
use of the Esc button during setup.
MODEL 9840 PG 11 PUB. 2856-16