The following procedure should be followed to calibrate the Model 9840 itself. This
calibration requires the use of a precision millivolt per volt reference which will be attached
on the load cell connector. The resulting scale factors are recorded in the non-volatile
memory of the Model 9840.
ATTENTION: System Calibration should ONLY be performed by trained, QUALIFIED
TECHNICIANS utilizing the proper precision devices to ensure the most accurate
performance of the unit.
1. To enter system calibration mode, turn off the Model 9840. Hold down the two end
buttons ( “<“ and “>“ ) while turning power back on. As soon as the display comes on
you can release the buttons.
2. The unit will go through its regular start up sequence but rather than entering run
mode and showing the load in pounds a password prompt will be displayed. Enter the
number 777 as the system calibration password.
3. The unit will now display “Unit mV / V Cal” to indicate that it is ready to be calibrated.
A five minute warm-up period with the millivolt-per-volt reference attached is
recommended at this time if the unit has just been turned on or the millivolt-per-volt
reference has just been attached. Press any button to clear this display.
4. You are now prompted to enter the first of two millivolt per volt references. (We
recommend using -3.0 mv/volt for the first and +3.0 mv/volt for the second.) Set your
reference and enter the appropriate number. As soon as you press Enter the Model
9840 will start reading the reference.
5. Next you are prompted for the second mv/volt value. Set your reference and enter the
appropriate number. Again reading will start as soon as Enter is pressed.
6. When the read is complete, the unit will display “Calibration Done”. Pressing any
button at this time will place the unit back into its normal run mode.
MODEL 9840 PG 51 PUB. 2856-16