Page 4 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 13705SPLT Display Utility
X27A-B-003-02 Issue Date: 01/02/12
PC Intel Platform
For 16-Bit Program Version: copy the file 13705SPLT.EXE to a directory that is in the
DOS path on your hard drive.
For 32-Bit Program Version: install the 32-bit Windows device driver S1D13X0X.VXD
as described in the S1D13X0X 32-Bit Windows Device Driver Installation Guide,
document number X00A-E-003-xx. Copy the file 13705SPLT.EXE to a directory that is in
the DOS path on your hard drive.
Embedded Platform
Download the program 13705SPLT to the system.
PC platform: at the prompt, type 13705SPLT [/a] [/?]
Embedded platform: execute 13705splt and at the prompt, type the command line
Where: no argument enables manual split screen operation
/a enables automatic split screen operation
(a timer is used to move screen 2)
/? display the help screen
After starting 13705SPLT the following keyboard commands are available.
Manual mode: ↑, u move Screen 2 up
↓, d move Screen 2 down
HOME covers Screen 1 with Screen 2
END displays only Screen 1
Automatic mode: any key change the direction of split screen movement
(for PC only)
Both modes: b changes the color depth (bits-per-pixel)
ESC exits 13705SPLT