
Page 4 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 13705BMP Demonstration Program
X27A-B-006-03 Issue Date: 01/02/12
Program Messages
ERROR: Did not find an S1D13705 device.
The HAL was unable to locate an S1D13705 at the configured address. Check that the correct
physical address was configured into 13705BMP.EXE
ERROR: Unable to locate/load S1D13XXX.VXD
The file S1D13XXX.VXD is required by the 32-bit version of the 13705BMP. Check that the .VXD
file is in c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. If the file is not there, install it as described in the S1D13XXX
32-Bit Windows Device Driver Installation Guide, document number X00A-E-003-xx.
ERROR: An IOCTL error occurred.
The device driver S1D13XXX.VXD was unable to assign memory. Check that the PC hardware is
configured correctly and that 13705BMP has been configured with the correct memory location.
ERROR: The HAL returned an unknown error.
This error message should never bee seen. Contact ERD.
ERROR: Could not initialize device.
The HAL failed to initialize the S1D13705.
Failed to open .BMP file '?.....?'
13705BMP was unable to open the .BMP file ?.....? specified on the command line.
?.....? is not a valid bitmap file.
While performing validity checks it was determined that the file ?.....? is either not a valid .BMP file
or is of an unsupported format.
ERROR: Unable to set a suitable display mode.
13705BMP was unable to set a display mode to view the image with.
ERROR: Currently unable to process images greater than 8 bpp.
13705BMP can decode images of 8BPP or less color depth. Try reducing the color depth of your
ERROR: Image larger than display memory size.
The amount of memory required by this image is more than the amount of memory available to the
S1D13705. Try choosing a smaller image.
ERROR: Unable to allocate enough memory to decode the image.
In order to decode a .BMP image 13705BMP needs to allocate some additional system memory.
This message is seen if the call to allocate additional memory fails.