Muting and Unmuting Outputs
Individual outputs can be muted or unmuted as follows:
NOTE: Output mutes are protected when front panel Lock mode 2 is selected. You
can view the status of the output (muted or unmuted) in Lock mode 2 but you cannot
change it from the front panel (see Locking the Front Panel (Executive Mode) on
page 41).
1. Press the Esc button to clear any front panel button indications that may be lit.
2. Press and release the View button.
3. One at a time, press and hold the button(s) for the desired output(s) for approximately
2 seconds. The output button(s) for the selected output(s) blink to indicate the mute or
return to their previous state to indicate the unmute.
4. Press and release the View button to return to normal switcher operation.
• When you enter View-only mode, the output LEDs turn on for all outputs
without ties.
• Mutes are saved to non‑volatile memory. When power is removed and restored,
the mute settings are retained.
Example 8: Muting and unmuting an output
In the following example, a switcher output is muted and unmuted. The steps show the front
panel indications that result from your actions.
NOTE: This example assumes that you have performed example 1 on page 27,
example 2 on page 28, and example 3 on page 29.
1. Clear all selections: Press and release the Esc button.
2. Select View-only mode: Press and release the View button. The View button lights.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 32
Until you select an input, only the buttons for untied outputs light.
Press the View button.
The button lights.
FOX Matrix 3200 and 7200 Switchers • Operation 39