• Physical Switcher Layout — Calls the FOX Matrix Physical Configuration window
(see figure 45), which displays the I/O board type installed in each slot. The
field can be helpful in identifying a specific input or output. In figure 45, for example,
input 29 is identified as slot 4, input transceiver E (4o05).
Figure 45. Physical Configuration Window
• Name Presets — Allows you to name each of the 32 (FOX Matrix 3200) or
64 (FOX Matrix 7200) memory presets.
NOTE: Preset names are limited to 12 upper‑ and lower‑case alphanumeric
characters, space, and the _ and / characters. The HTML language reserves
certain characters for specific functions (see Special Characters on page 70).
• Show RS-232 Strings — Displays the ASCII commands that are used by the current
configuration. You can refer to these for SIS programming.
• I/O Group settings — Displays the inputs/outputs groups window, which allows
you to assign inputs and outputs to any one of four groups (or no group).
• Room configuration — Allows you to assign outputs to rooms or delete outputs
from rooms.
NOTE: A room is a subset of outputs that are logically related to each other, as
determined by the operator. The FOX matrix switcher supports up to 10 rooms,
each of which can consist of 1 to 16 outputs.
• Initialize — Initializes and clears any or all of the following: ties, presets, preset
names, icon names, and icons.
FOX Matrix 3200 and 7200 Switchers • Matrix Software 87