IN1606 and IN1608 Series Scaling Presentation Switcher • Internal Web Pages 98
Password Page
This page allows the user to set an administrator and user password on the device. Click
the Password icon on the Global Navigation Bar to open the page.
Figure 62. Password Page
Administrators and users can view all settings on the device. Administrators have the ability
to make adjustments to any setting. Users can make changes only to input selection,
volume, freeze, user preset recall, input preset recall, audio mute, video mute, Auto-Image,
Auto-Image and Fill, and Auto-Image and Follow.
NOTE: If a password is set, a username is required to access the internal Web pages or
the device through the PCS program. When prompted, enter admin as the username
for administrator passwords or user as the username for user passwords.
To create or change an administrator password:
1. In the Administrator Password field, enter the desired administrator password.
2. In the Confirm Password field, reenter the administrator password.
NOTE: Select the Show Password check box to display the password characters.
3. Click the Apply button.
To create a user password:
NOTE: A user password cannot be set until an administrator password has been entered.
1. In the User Password field, enter the desired user password.
2. In the Confirm Password field, reenter the user password.
NOTE: Select the Show Password check box to display the password characters.
3. Click the Apply button.
NOTE: When passwords are set, a notification to close and restart the browser appears.