IN1606 and IN1608 Series Scaling Presentation Switcher • Internal Web Pages 86
Output gain
Each output has a gain fader for output gain adjustment.
NOTE: The detected program audio format can be None, Analog, LPCM-2Ch, or
To adjust the gain fader:
1. Click the Output tab.
2. If the section has multiple faders, click the Gang button to constrain the proportions
between fader levels.
3. Adjust the level using any of the following methods:
• Click and drag the fader handle to the desired level.
• Click the fader handle and press the <Up Arrow> or <Down Arrow> key to
respectively increase or decrease the level in 1 dB increments (PCS only).
• Click the fader handle and press the <Page Up> or <Page Down> key to
respectively increase or decrease the level in 10 dB increments (PCS only).
• Click in the level text field below the fader and enter a new value. Then, press the
<Enter> or <Tab> key to apply the change.
• Click the Up or Down arrow button to the right of the level text field to respectively
increase or decrease the level in 0.1 dB increments.
4. To mute an output, click the Mute button below the desired output level fader.
To optimize the output gain:
1. In the desired output section, click the Enable Meters check box (Web pages only).
NOTE: Meters are automatically enabled on the PCS.
2. Set the output gain to 0 dB.
3. With program material (or pink noise) present on the input, adjust the output volume
until the meters maintain a level just below clipping.