
Serial Communication, cont’d
MLS 304 Series, MLS 406Series • Serial Communication
Command/response table for SIS commands
Command ASCII Command Response Additional description
(host to switcher) (switcher to host)
Input selection
Select an input (audio and video). X! ! Chn X! ] Select input X! (audio and video).
: 6! Chn6 ] Example: select input 6.
Select an audio input. X! $ Aud X! ] Select input X! audio only.
Select a video input. X! & Vid X! ] Select input X! video only.
Video configuration (MLS 304MA inputs 3 and 4; or MLS 406/406MA inputs 4, 5, and 6)
Set the video signal type. X@*X#\ Typ X# = ____] Set the input signal type for input
X!. (Type = Vid or RGB)
: 4*1\ Typ1=Vid] Example: set input 4 to S-video or
composite video.
View the video signal type. X@\ Typ X# = ____ ] Show the video signal type
Example: 4\ Typ1=Vid ] Example: show input 4 video type.
Audio gain/attenuation (per input)
Set a specific input’s audio gain. X**X$ G InX*Aud=X$ ] Set a single input’s gain (in dB).
Example: 5*9G InX*Aud=+09 ] Example: set input 5’s gain to +9 dB.
Set a specific input’s audio attenuation. X** X% g In X* Aud= X% ] Set an input’s attenuation (in dB).
Example: 4*12g In4 Aud=-12 ] Example: set attenuation to -12 dB.
Increment a specific input’s gain. X**+G In X* Aud= X$ ] Increase an input’s gain by 1 dB.
Decrement a specific input’s gain. X**-G In X* Aud= X$ ] Decrease an input’s gain by 1 dB.
View a specific input’s audio gain level. X**G In X* Aud= X$ ] Show an input’s audio level.
Set current input’s audio gain. X$ G In X* Aud= X$ ] Set the current input’s gain (in dB).
Set current input’s audio attenuation. X% g In X* Aud= X% ] Set attenuation (in dB).
Increment current input’s gain. +G In X* Aud= X$ ] Increase the gain by 1 dB.
Decrement current input’s gain. -G In X* Aud= X$ ] Decrease the gain by 1 dB.
View current input’s audio gain level.G In X* Aud= X$ ] Show the audio level.
N The commands in this section are case sensitive.
Audio treble adjustment (global: applies to all inputs)
Set the treble level. X( > Trb=X( ] Set the global treble level.
Example: 2> Trb=-7.5 ] Example: set treble to -7.5 dB.
Increment the treble level. + > Trb=X( ] Increase the treble by 1.5 dB.
Decrement the treble level. – > Trb=X( ] Decrease the treble by 1.5 dB.
View the treble level. > Trb=X( ] Show the current treble level.
Audio bass adjustment (global: applies to all inputs)
Set the bass level. X( < Bas=X( ] Set the global bass level.
Example: 10< Bas=+4.5 ] Example: set the bass to +4.5 dB.
Increment the bass level. + < Bas=X( ] Increase the bass by 1.5 dB.
Decrement the bass level. – < Bas=X( ] Decrease the bass by 1.5 dB.
View the bass level. < Bas=X( ] Show the current bass level.
Audio mute (overall: amp and preamps)
Mute on 1Z Amt1 ] Mute all (fixed, variable, and amplified)
audio outputs.
Mute off 0Z Amt0 ] Unmute all audio outputs.
View the audio mute status. Z Amt X& ] Show the status of audio mute.
Volume adjustment (overall: amp and preamps)
Set the overall output volume. X1) V Vol X1) ] Specify the volume for the audio
: 27V Vol027 ] Example: set volume to 27.