
Serial Communication, cont’d
MLS 304 Series, MLS 406Series • Serial Communication
Using the help program
For information on program features, press the F1 computer key, click on the Help
menu from within the MediaLink control program, or select the
MediaLnk Help icon in the Extron Electronics group or folder on
your start menu.
For explanations of buttons or functions, click on the tabs in the help screen to reach
the desired screen. Use a mouse or the Tab and Enter keys to select a button or
function. A description and tips on using the program appears on screen.
Key to file names
File name Description
________.MLK User-saved MLC/MLC-MLS/MLS configuration file. This
includes adjustments/settings. If the MLS is connected to an
MLC (MediaLink Controller), the file also contains whatever
driver (if any) was installed in the MLC 206 at the time the file
was saved.
See the MediaLink Controllers User’s Manual for
________.s19 Extron-supplied firmware update file. When the firmware
is replaced, the switcher is also automatically reset to factory
default settings.
8. When the firmware uploading is complete, a dialog box appears and asks you
to exit the firmware update utility program if the new firmware loaded
correctly (if the correct firmware version is displayed in the program
window, as shown in the example below)
to run the utility again (perform step 5 of this procedure) if the
firmware did not load correctly.
Follow the on-screen directions to complete the process.
When you recycle power, power off the switcher for at least 4 seconds, then
restore power.