Conventions Used in this Guide
In this user guide, the following are used:
NOTE: A note draws attention to important information.
NOTE: For commands and examples of computer or device responses
mentioned in this guide, the character “0” is used for the number zero and “O”
represents the capital letter “o.”
Computer responses and directory paths that do not have variables are written in the
font shown here:
Reply from bytes=32 times=2ms TTL=32
C:\Program Files\Extron
Variables are written in slanted form as shown here:
ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx —t
SOH R Data STX Command ETB ETX
Selectable items, such as menu names, menu options, buttons, tabs, and eld names
are written in the font shown here:
From the File menu, select New.
Click the OK button.
© 2013 Extron Electronics. All rights reserved.
All trademarks mentioned in this guide are the properties of their respective owners.
The following registered trademarks
, registered service marks
, and trademarks
are the property of RGB Systems, Inc. or Extron Electronics:
Registered Trademarks
AVTrac, Cable Cubby, CrossPoint, eBUS, EDID Manager, EDID Minder, Extron, Flat Field,GlobalViewer, Hideaway, Inline, IP Intercom, IP Link, Key Minder, LockIt, MediaLink, PoleVault, PURE3,
Quantum, SoundField, System Integrator, TouchLink, V-Lock, VersaTools, VN-Matrix, VoiceLift, WallVault, WindoWall
Registered Service Mark
: S3 Service Support Solutions
AAP, AFL (Accu-Rate Frame Lock), ADSP (Advanced Digital Sync Processing), AIS (Advanced Instruction Set), Auto-Image, CDRS (Class D Ripple Suppression), DDSP (Digital Display
Sync Processing), DMI (Dynamic Motion Interpolation), Driver Configurator, DSP Configurator, DSVP (Digital Sync Validation Processing), FastBite, FOXBOX, IP Intercom HelpDesk, MAAP,
MicroDigital, PowerCage, ProDSP, QS-FPC (QuickSwitch Front Panel Controller), Scope-Trigger, SIS, Simple Instruction Set, Skew-Free, SpeedMount, SpeedNav, SpeedSwitch, Triple-Action
Switching, XTP, XTP Systems, XTRA, ZipCaddy, ZipClip