
9•14 Electrical system
Fault finding - electrical system
No voltage at starter motor
Battery discharged
Battery defective internally
Battery terminals loose or earth lead not securely attached to body
Loose or broken connections in starter motor circuit
Starter motor switch or solenoid faulty
Voltage at starter motor - faulty motor
Starter brushes badly worn, sticking, or brush wires loose
Commutator dirty, worn or burnt
Starter motor armature faulty
Field coils earthed
Starter motor noisy or rough in engagement
Pinion or flywheel gear teeth broken or worn
Starter drive main spring broken
Starter motor retaining bolts loose
Alternator not charging*
Drivebelt loose and slipping, or broken
Brushes worn, sticking, broken or dirty
Brush springs weak or broken
* If all appears to be well but the alternator is still not charging, take the
car to an automobile electrician for checking of the alternator
Ignition light fails to go out, battery runs flat in a
few days
Drivebelt loose and slipping, or broken
Alternator faulty
Battery will not hold charge for more than a few
Battery defective internally
Electrolyte level too low or electrolyte too weak due to leakage
Plate separators no longer fully effective
Battery plates severely sulphated
Drivebelt slipping
Battery terminal connections loose or corroded
Alternator not charging properly
Short in lighting circuit causing continual battery drain
Fuel gauge gives no reading
Fuel tank empty!
Electric cable between tank sender unit and gauge earthed or loose
Fuel gauge case not earthed
Fuel gauge supply cable interrupted
Fuel gauge unit broken
Fuel gauge registers full all the time
Electric cable between tank unit and gauge broken or disconnected
Horn operates all the time
Horn push either earthed or stuck down
Horn cable to horn push earthed
Horn fails to operate
Blown fuse
Cable or cable connection loose, broken or disconnected
Horn has an internal fault
Horn emits intermittent or unsatisfactory noise
Cable connections loose
Horn incorrectly adjusted
Lights do not come on
If engine not running, battery discharged
Light bulb filament burnt out or bulbs broken
Wire connections loose, disconnected or broken
Light switch shorting or otherwise faulty
Lights come on but fade out
If engine not running, battery discharged
Lights give very poor illumination
Lamp glasses dirty
Reflector tarnished or dirty
Lamps badly out of adjustment
Incorrect bulb with too low wattage fitted
Existing bulbs old and badly discoloured
Electrical wiring too thin not allowing full current to pass
Lights work erratically, flashing on and off,
especially over bumps
Battery terminals or earth connections loose
Lights not earthing properly
Contacts in light switch faulty
Wiper motor fails to work
Blown fuse
Wire connections loose, disconnected or broken
Brushes badly worn
Armature worn or faulty
Field coils faulty
Wiper motor works very slowly and takes
excessive current
Commutator dirty, greasy or burnt
Drive spindle binding or damaged
Armature bearings dry or unaligned
Armature badly worn or faulty
Wiper motor works slowly and takes little current
Brushes badly worn
Commutator dirty, greasy or burnt
Armature badly worn or faulty
Wiper motor works but wiper blade remains static
Drive spindle damaged or worn
Wiper motor gearbox parts badly worn