
20 Interior lamps -
bulb renewal
Courtesy lamp
1 The lamp lenses, whether roof or pillar
mounted, are removed by prising off using a
screwdriver inserted under one end (photo).
2 The festoon type bulb is pulled from its
spring contacts.
Instrument panel lamps
3 Remove the instrument panel hood cover
as described in the next Section. The panel
lighting bulbs may be renewed without further
dismantling, but access to the warning and
indicator bulbs can only be obtained if the
instrument panel is partially withdrawn as
described in the next Section (photo).
4 Pull out the appropriate bulbholder and
withdraw the wedge base type bulb.
5 Fit the new bulb, the holder, instrument
panel and hood cover.
21 Instrument panel -
removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Remove the instrument panel hood cover.
The easiest way to do this is to insert the
fingers at the sides, and pull the hood sharply
upwards off its retaining clips.
3 Extract the two fixing screws from the
instrument panel and pull it towards you until the
speedometer drive cable can be disconnected
by squeezing its plastic retaining ring (photo).
4 Disconnect the wiring plugs and record
their exact locations.
5 Remove the instrument panel upwards
6 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
22 Instrument panel -
1 With the instrument panel removed from
the car, individual instruments may be
removed in the following way.
2 Pull off the speedometer trip device knob.
3 Remove the instrument hood cover by
gently releasing the plastic clips (Fig. 9.4).
4 The speedometer is secured by two screws
for its metal casing and one screw for its
plastic casing. Other instruments are held to
the panel by nuts (photo).
5 On models equipped with a check control
system (see Section 34), the speedometer
cannot be removed until the control unit has
first been withdrawn.
6 On ES versions, the speedometer cannot
be removed until the economy gauge control
unit has been removed.
23 Speedometer drive cable -
1 Remove the instrument panel hood cover
as described in Section 21.
2 Disconnect the speedometer cable from
the speedometer by squeezing the plastic
retaining ring (photo).
9•8 Electrical system
23.2 Speedometer cable connector at
22.4 Rear view of instrument panel21.5 Instrument panel and steering wheel
21.3 Removing instrument panel screw21.2 Removing instrument panel hood
Fig. 9.4 Instrument hood cover (1) (Sec 21)20.3 Instrument panel warning lamp20.1 Interior roof lamp withdrawn