34 Installation (for qualified installers only)
Travis Industries 4080214 100-01182_003
Facing Overview
Upgrade faces are available for this fireplace and may influence facing installation. Consult with your
Travis Dealer if you are using an upgrade face.
Optional non-combustible facing may be installed on the fireplace. Use the guidelines below to
determine the location (also see the following pages for detailed diagrams.
Tile Line Any non-combustible facing under 1" thick (see "Thin Facing" on page 35).
Masonry Line Any non-combustible over 1" thick (see "Thick Facing" on page 37).
Hearth Line Non-combustible hearth/facing should be installed up to this location (1" above the base
of the fireplace). The fireplace may be raised to accommodate thicker hearth materials.
Masonry Line
Hearth Line
Tile Line
Tile Line
Masonry Line
Tile Line
Masonry Line
Tile Line
Masonry Line
Tile Line
Masonry Line
Hearth Line
Masonry Line
Tile Line
NOTE: The hearth or facing can extend no
greater than 1” above the base of the fireplace.
The fireplace may be raised to accommodate
thicker hearth materials.
Optional Faceplates – Sizing Chart
Name Height Width Notes
FPX Artisan, Classic, Fr Ctry 35-3/4” 41” 45-3/4” Radius – May fit over top of tile facing
Winthrop Victorian Lace 34-1/8” 36-7/8” Optional facing will butte to edge of faceplate (tile line)
Wilmington Hearthview 35-3/4” 41” May fit over top of tile facing
Winthrop Bungalow 34” 36-7/8” Optional facing will butte to edge of faceplate (tile line)