1. Once you’ve located a target, pinpoint its exact
location as in the “Pinpointing” procedure. Since
accurate ID is dependent on accurate pinpointing, it
is recommended that you always press the PINPOINT
button rather than try to pinpoint your target in either
the Autotune or Target ID mode.
2. Once you’ve pinpointed your target, release the
PINPOINT button. If you’re searching in the Autotune
mode, switch over to DISC = 0. If you are already
in the Target ID mode, just leave the DISC control
where it is.
3. Move the coil just enough, left-right-left, across the
target to get a good signal. The meter needle should
lock onto a target classification, which in turn will
agree with the audio response (one of 4 tones)
4. If you no longer get a meter reading or audio
response once you’ve pinpointed the target, then
you’re over something that falls below the DISC
setting you’ve chosen and the CZ-3D is rejecting it.
5. Here’s a quick and easy way to tell the difference
between a small shallow piece of foil and a gold
ring (or other possibly good target) without digging:
if you get a good solid, “FOIL” ID, set the search
coil down close to the target and then whip it
rapidly across the target just once with what can
best be described as a flick of the wrist. If the target
disappears, it’s probably a small shallow piece of
foil. If not, dig it up—it could be that gold ring you’re
looking for. Practice this over some foil until you get
the hang of it.
6. Don’t be afraid to turn your sensitivity down. True,
the higher the sensitivity, the deeper your CZ-3D will
go and the more you’ll find. But that’s only under
optimum conditions. If you’re getting a lot of false
signals caused by electrical interference, ground
mineralization or dense trash, lower your sensitivity. If
you have to back it down to 4, 3 or even 2 to eliminate
the falsing, do it. That’s what your SENSITIVITY control
is for. You’ll be surprised at how much you might find
in an area that would otherwise be unsearchable
at high sensitivity levels.