Once you have identified and pinpointed a target, your objective
is to recover it quickly and neatly, leaving virtually no trace of your
excavation. There are almost as many ways to do this, as there
are treasure hunters. Whatever works for you is good enough as
long as you don’t break any laws, damage vegetation, or leave
uncovered holes. Generally speaking, beachcombers do little if any
damage to the environment while recovering targets. However, if
you plan to use your CZ-3D on lawns or in parks, your target recovery
method can be very important. Two of the most successful methods
are illustrated in a separate booklet "Origin of the M-Scope/Target
Recovery" enclosed with your detector .
1. Use headphones. You’ll hear fewer distracting sounds
and more target sounds. And you’ll find more.
2. It’s always a good idea to walk slowly and overlap your
sweeps. But if you’re searching large expanses of new
territory you may want to walk a little faster and not
overlap your sweeps as much until you start making a
few good finds. Then, slow down, overlap your sweeps
and cover every inch of ground.
3. In trashy areas, to reduce the “masking” effects of
trash on nearby good targets, use a shorter and slower
sweep pattern. Also, the optional smaller 5-inch search
coil will zero in on good targets closer to trash.
4. When in doubt, dig. If your CZ-3D can’t quite decide
whether a target is good or bad, dig it up.
5. Good things often come in twos. Or even threes. Once
you’ve recovered a good target, always recheck
the hole for a second signal and carefully search the
immediate area by walking slowly around the hole
two or three times, overlapping your sweeps in an ever
widening circle. Always dig every suspicious sound in the
vicinity of a good find.
6. Recheck your hole even if your find was trash. Good
targets are often found beneath the bad ones.
7. Practice. Practice over known targets. Practice ground
balancing. Practice pinpointing. Reread the appropriate
part of this manual if you’re having problems.
NOTE: Whichever method you choose, remember that responsible
treasure hunters take pride in their ability to leave soil and vegetation
intact and undamaged.