Tone Tips
You can find a balanced tone with the Loudbox 100 when you hear how tone changes as the volume rises.
Set Up
For reference, start with the tone controls flat (straight-up, twelve o’clock). In this position, there is no equaliza-
tion applied to your sound. Begin at a very low volume and work your way up. As you turn up, try adjusting the
Loudbox 100’s tone controls as recommended below.
1. Low Volume
At a low volume (just above conversation
level) our ears are not very sensitive to bass
and treble, so give the Low and High con
trols a good boost. Try three o’clock on the
2. Medium Volume
At intermediate levels, when you need to
raise your voice to be heard over the mu
sic, the human ear is quite sensitive to
midrange. Cut the Mid control to about ten
o’clock, or to your taste. At this level our
perception of bass and treble starts to catch
up to the rest of the tonal spectrum, so you
can back off the Low and High controls
slightly for good tonal balance.
3. High Volume
At loud levels, when you must shout to be
heard over the music, your ears (and your
audience) will benefit from a deep mid
range cut. Set the Mid dial between nine
and seven o’clock. Our perception of bass
and treble “flattens out” at high volumes,
so you won’t need much, if any Low or
High boost. Set the Low and High knobs to
between twelve and one o’clock. In many
cases you can also improve the tone at very
high volume if you cut bass. Try setting the
Low knob between ten and eleven o’clock.
Acoustic Instrument Amplifier
Loudbox 100