8. Gain
Use the Gain knob to set the level of the signal. If the Clip LED flashes when you play, lower the Gain until the
flashing stops. If either channel is unused, set its Gain to 7 o’clock (off).
9. Low
Boost here to add weight to the sound. In general, boost bass at low volumes and flatten it out (or cut) at higher
levels. With the dial set at 12 o’clock, the control is effectively out of the circuit.
10. Mid
This control affects how well the instrument blends in or stands out in the mix. At loud volumes a midrange cut
will achieve a more natural sound. With the dial set at 12 o’clock, the control is effectively out of the circuit.
11. High
Boost highs to add “air” to the sound of the instrument. With the knob set at 12 o’clock, the control is effectively
out of the circuit.
12. Anti-Feedback
If you encounter low-frequency feedback, sweep this control to isolate and eliminate it. Many guitars will benefit
with the Anti-Feedback knob set at about 10 o’clock. The Anti Feedback filter is off at the 7 o’clock position.
To read more about acoustic feedback, see page 11.
13. Phase
Use the phase switch in conjunction with the Anti-Feedback filter to eliminate acoustic feedback.
To read more about acoustic feedback, see page 11.
14. FX Level
Controls the amount of digital effects in the channel. Generally set this above the Master FX Level.
15. Digital FX (Select)
These built-in effects have been specially chosen and voiced for acoustic instruments.
16. Digital FX Level (Master)
Set the overall level of the Digital FX with this knob. In general set this lower than the
individual Channel 1 & 2 FX Levels.
17. Master Volume
Set the overall level of the Loudbox 100 with the Master Volume. In general put the
Master Volume as high as possible (2 o’clock to 5 o’clock) to achieve the cleanest
18. Headphone Jack
When you plug in stereo headphones here, the speakers shut off. This output monitors Channels 1 & 2 and the
Aux input, so you can play along with pre-recorded music through the headphones.
19. Aux Level
Use this to control the level of the device you plug into the Aux Input. Note that the Aux channel is independent
of the Mute switch, so you can play pre-recorded music on your breaks. If the Aux channel is unused, set the Aux
level to off.
20. Mute
The Mute switch shuts off the signals from Channels 1 and 2 to the speakers and all the XLR outputs. The mute
does not affect the Aux Channel, the Tuner Out or the effects sends.
1. Hall 1
2. Hall 2
3. Chorus
4. Plate 1
5. Plate2
Digital FX Programs