Configuring Your Organizer Programs
For your organizer data to be included in a synchro-
nization, the organizer programs must first be aligned
with your PC organizer application.You must select
the organizer programs and the PC organizer appli-
cations that you want to synchronize.To configure
the synchronization settings, follow these steps.
1. From the Desktop Manager, click Setup |
You see the Intellisync Sync Options dialog box.
2. Click the box next to the organizer program
you want to synchronize with your PC organiz-
er application.
The Choose Translator dialog box appears
the first time you select a translator. During subse-
quent configuration, you must check the box next
to the organizer program you want to edit and click
the Choose button.
3. Click your PC organizer application from the
list of available translators.
A PC organizer application file is assigned to the
program you are aligning.
4. Click the check box next to the operation you
want to perform.
Imports data from your PC organ-
izer application to the organizer
program on the organizer.
Using Intellisync