OM 0370SB1388-A 25
Figure 22
Driveline Installation
(Figure 22)
1. Remove the paint from the gearbox shaft
(item 1) and grease the driveline sliding
surfaces and yoke.
2. Remove the two bolts (item 2) from the yoke
and slide the driveline yoke over gearbox
shaft using the sliding action of the driveline.
Make sure the driveline is well secured to the
drive shaft by putting back the two bolts (item
2) and tightening them according to the
Torque Specification Table.
6. Connect the driveline to the tractor PTO; making
sure the driveline is well secured to the tractor.
7. Secure the driveline safety chain to the tractor
master shield to prevent the driveline shield
from rotating.
8. Before operating the snowblower, raise the
parking stand from the ground.
NOTE: Depending on tractor used, it may be
necessary to install front tractor weights to
maintain front-end stability.
Removing Snowblower from Tractor
Select a level surface to detach. Lower the
parking stand. Remove driveline from the tractor's
PTO. Detach top link using adjustment as
required. Detach right lower link using adjustable
link to assist if necessary. Detach left lower link.
IMPORTANT: To avoid damage to the
snowblower, retorque all bolts after the first 10
hours of operation.
NOTE: We recommend using the driveline
chain when storing the snowblower.