Control Function
(Mode keys)
Select display mode: NORM, normal sonar picture; E/S, Echo sounder
combination; HIST, Historical display.
Lamp above a key lights to show current selection.
RECALL, MEMO RECALL: Replays saved picture.
MEMO: Saves picture to memory card or internal memory.
RANGE Selects a picture display range. Range selected appears on the display.
GAIN Adjusts receiver sensitivity.
TARGET SLICE Using automatic tilting, displays the echo inside the estimate mark at
several different tilt angles.
VERT SCAN Turn vertical scan display on and off.
SHOOT Press when net is cast. The net shooting mark, *net sonde marks and
*current mark appear at the own ship mark. The net shooting mark,
net sonde marks and current mark move on the *ship's track as the
ship moves. The lamp above the switch lights and time *distance run
appears on the display until the net shooting mark is turned off.
(* Requires external sensor.)
R/B Provides range and bearing data from own ship to a target. Select
target with trackball and then press the R/B key. A line connects
between own ship mark and trackball mark to show bearing to target.
TILT Changes the tilt angle of the sounding beam between -5°and 60°.
AUTO TILT Automatically tilts the sounding beam up and down in 2° steps within
the tilt angle selected by the WIDTH key. The lamp above the key
lights when automatic tilt is on.
WIDTH Sets tilt width in automatic tilt.
NET COURSE Marks location of net.
TARGET LOCK Tracks a fish school.
EVENT Inscribe event mark on the display, to find horizontal, range, depth
and bearing to a target. Event key can be functioned as the SHOOT
key of the remote control box.
ESTIMATE 1, 2 Compare volume of two fish schools.
FISH Measures fish school speed.
OFF-CENT Relocates selected target. Lamp above key lights when off-center
function is on.
DIM Adjusts the backlighting of the control panels and the brightness of
the lamps above keys.
CONT Adjusts screen contrast.
BRILL Adjusts screen brilliance.
AUDIO Adjusts volume of built-in loudspeaker, which monitors a target
appearing along the bearing marker.
TRACKBALL Follows on-screen movement of the trackball mark, to enter marks
and off-center the screen.